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18 days to go…..

April 19, 2022

This Easter holiday has been busy with all hands on deck! The polished floor has been finished and with the industrial nature, it will be very resilient whilst looking great. Most of the windows are now in and the view from inside is just breathtaking! We spent most of the weekend climbing up trees andContinue reading “18 days to go…..”

One month to go!

April 10, 2022

With only one month to go until we swing our doors open for our Wedding Fair, it’s exciting to see everything starting to come together. We had the windows delivered and fitted last week, unfortunately, some of them arrived broken so they are being replaced next week, but in the meantime, the cladding has beenContinue reading “One month to go!”

Spring has sprung

March 21, 2022

This weekend was officially the first weekend of spring and the longer days and the warm weather are just around the corner. The count down is on until the wedding fair and it is T-minus 7 weeks until we open our doors to all of our future and potential couples. We’ve had a fun weekendContinue reading “Spring has sprung”

We have windows!

March 5, 2022

It’s been another month of Go Go Go at Pengelly. The most exciting part is that we’ve started to have the windows and bi-fold doors installed, and Wow what a difference it makes. The light really floods into the venue. The main entrance glass is the last to be installed in a couple of weeksContinue reading “We have windows!”

A winter update…!

February 5, 2022

It’s been a little while since we have given you all an update and that doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy! The days are colder and darker but that doesn’t stop us. Since the last update, a few major things have happened! The cladding has started to go up, which really shows what the exteriorContinue reading “A winter update…!”